If the situation is serious, threatening, or dangerous call 911 or local police for immediate help. Otherwise, contact one of the below organizations depending upon your location: USA, UK, or Canada.

Adult Protective Services (APS)
The role of Adult Protective Service is to protect adults who cannot protect themselves. It investigates abuse cases, intervenes and offers services and advice. The power and scope of APS varies from state to state. However, every state has at least one toll-free elder abuse hotline or helpline for reporting elder abuse in the home, in the community. Adult Protective services does not investigate cases of abuse occurs in nursing home or other long-term care facility by staff members. These cases are handled by the state Long-Term Care Ombudsman.
Find Adult Protective Services by State
Long-Term Care Ombudsman
The Long Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman investigates and resolves nursing home complaints and in some areas complaints about board and care facilities and professional home care providers. They are funded by the Administration on Aging (AON) and the Center is operated by the National Citizens' Coalition for Nursing Home Reform (NCCNHR) and the National Association of State Units on Aging (NASUA). Find Long-Term Care Ombudsman by State
National Elder Care Locator
Information and referral is also available from the national Eldercare Locator, a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging. In addition to referring to the correct agency to report abuse, they also have information on things such as home care, transportation, meals etc. Call toll-free 1-800-677-1116. This number is available from Monday - Friday 9 AM-8 PM (except U.S. federal holidays.) Find our more about the Elder Care Locator

Social Services
Each local council in the United Kingdom has social workers to deal with elder abuse. An Adult Protection Co-ordinator provides information and protects and supports elderly at risk of abuse They investigate and bring in other organizations such as local police and the National Health Service. Find Social Services by Council Area
Action on Elder Abuse Hotline
Elder Abuse helpline for UK and Ireland's providing information and referral to report elder abuse In the UK call 0808 808 8141. In the Republic of Ireland call 1800 940 010. Find out more about the Action on Elder Abuse Hotline
National Health Service
The National Health Service handles complaints of abuse in hospitals.Find out more about the National Health Service
Care Quality Commission
The Quality Care commission is an independent regulator for health and social care services in England provided by the NHS, local authorities, private companies or voluntary organisations. The commisson cannot investigate individual complaints but it's intent is to use feedback and individual experience to improve services. Find out more about the Care Quality Commission

Report by Province
Each province and territory has its own organizations that handle elder abuse.
Provincial and Territorial Resources on Elder Abuse
Who MUST Report Elder Abuse? Mandated Reporters are all employees, serving in any capacity, at long-term care facilities such as nursing homes and residential care facilities for the elderly. Mandated reporters also include persons employed by social, health and law enforcement agencies. In addition, a person who has assumed full or intermittent responsibility for the care or custody of an elder, whether or not he or she receives payment, is also considered a mandated reporter. All mandated reporters must report actual or suspected abuse.
The reporting responsibility is individual for each mandated reporter. No person reporting elder abuse shall be subject to any sanction for making the report. To encourage reporting, all reports are confidential and mandated reporters are protected from civil and criminal liability for carrying out their duty as mandated reporters. Mandated Reporters who fail to report actual or suspected abuse can be charged with a misdemeanor, punishable by a jail sentence, a fine or both.
Non-Mandated Reporters: All concerned citizens are encouraged to make reports of suspected elder abuse. The law does not require them (non-mandated reporters) to make elder abuse reports. However, to encourage reporting, all reports are confidential and non-mandated reporters are not required to give their names. They are also protected from civil and criminal liability if they make the report of elder abuse in good faith.
It is important to note that the laws of mandated reporting vary by state
Elder Abuse is a hidden problem - for every abuse reported at least another five (5) go unreported. source:
Elder Abuse Prevention ProgramsElder Abuse Documentaries