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WHATA video interview series sharing the wisdom of seniors.
WHYTo record the wisdom of seniors which so often is lost when not shared with younger generations.
WHEREThe Words of Wisdom Project. Dave Voitik and Justin Jackola. Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Program Description

"When 80 year old Vera was asked by the The Words of Wisdom Project the question what is your advice to every young boy on the planet her careful response was '…even really smart young men…geniuses…don’t be arrogant.' "

"Our carefully-crafted questions range from ‘Who has influenced you the most in your life?’ to ‘What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?’ to literally, ‘What is the meaning of life?’ The videos aim to capture the interviewees sharing some of their most personal experiences and teachable moments, while allowing viewers a little peek into the past that can’t be gleaned from history books."

The Words of Wisdom Project is a video interview series aims to share the wisdom and life experiences of seniors.

Older adults are asked a variety of questions, such as:

What is the most beautiful thing you’ve seen?
What makes you smile the most?
What is one item on your bucket list?

Interviews are made into short videos and shared online through the website, YouTube and Facebook.

Older adults are interviewed regarding their life experiences and recorded. Videos range from seniors talking about topics such as ‘Don’t Be Arrogant’ to ‘How to Love Life, to ‘Make Your Bed.

The Words of Wisdom Project not only shines a light on the lives of older adults it also aims to demonstrate the similarities across all races and nationalities.

Senior centers or adult living communities that are looking for stimulating senior activities for residents are encouraged to host the Words of Wisdom project. The day includes video interviews of senior residents, screenings of current Words of Wisdom Project videos and a raffle.
In addition to recording senior stories The Words of Wisdom Project is looking to make senior dreams come true and is asking for sponsors and donations to help seniors achieve items on their bucket list.

Aging Programs
Senior Activities




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