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WHATPrograms for seniors including health and wellness, health care advocacy, check in calls, shopping and transportation assistance, help with errands and appointments and a senior talent show.
WHYTo help prevent senior loneliness, isolation, and depression and to provide opportunities for health and wellness, encourage physical independence and increased quality of life.
WHEREVisiting Neighbors.
New York, N.Y., USA.

Program Description

“Our long-term goal is to help make seniors lives happier, safer, less lonely and frightening, address their health concerns, prepare for emergencies, cope with many changes and help seniors be better connected to others, empowered to identify and communicate their needs, be better informed, more social and express more joyous feelings.”

“Visiting Neighbors champions the power of the volunteer and encourages interdependence so that mutual learning and understanding bring generations together to share life experiences and gain respect for each individual’s uniqueness."

“Volunteers take seniors to and from important medical appointments, pick up seniors after medical procedures, take them to and from physical therapy, accompany them on walks, help with errands (such as shopping to get access to food and vital supplies, escorts to/from banks, helping read mail, hair salons, social programs, physical therapy, cemetery visits etc.) Volunteers have also accompanied seniors with pets get to vets. Our staff also encouraged seniors to vote, including helping seniors mail absentee ballots.”

Visiting Neighbors helps seniors face the challenges of aging and loneliness and encourages older adults to remain living independently and safely in their own homes while staying connected to the New York Community.

The program helps by connecting older adults with Friendly Visiting volunteers to act as a shopping and errand escorts. Seniors receive help with shopping, errands, and getting to medical or other important appointments.

Health and Wellness programs for seniors include:

-Stretching/chair exercises/staying flexible
-Stress management
-Nutrition/incorporating super foods
-The importance of staying connected with others
-Staying strong as the seniors face physical changes/venting frustrations in healthy ways
-Beating the blues
-Fall prevention
-Advanced directives
-Communicating more effectively with medical professionals
-Mental stimulation through games and conversation
-Emergency preparedness
-Heart health
-Pedestrian safety
-Safety in the home
-Addressing agism
-Therapeutic Walking

Health Care Advocacy - volunteers advocate for older adults when they are visiting the doctor, hospital or for other medical appointments. Volunteers may be able to help older adults better communicate with their doctors and other medical professionals.

Telephone Reassurance - volunteers make check in calls to seniors to provide conversation and emotional support and to help alleviate loneliness social isolation and depression.

Visiting Neighbors holds an annual senior talent show for older adult to perform on stage and participate in the community. Acts have included dancing, singing, playing instruments, jokes and more.

Aging Programs
Senior Activities
Senior Social
Elderly Depression and Mental Health

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