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WHATProvides home-bound or institutional-bound elderly with individualized one-on-one or small-group senior learning.
WHYTo provide seniors with a broad range of learning opportunities to continue to keep their mind active, expand their horizons and develop new learning skills.
WHERE Bar-Ilan University.
Brookdale Institute of Applied Gerontology.

Program Description

The House-Bound Learning program began in 1992 as a trial basis at a home for seniors and is led by trained, retired volunteers who provide the elderly with learning resources and classes. Classes can take place individualized, on a one-on-one basis or in small-group senior learning settings.

The senior learning program is a part of the larger study, "Innovative Programs for the Elderly in Israel that Americans Can Benefit From."

Find out more about the "House-Bound Senior Learning Program" and the Publication: "Innovative Programs for the Elderly in Israel that Americans Can Benefit From"

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