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WHATA volunteer based intergenerational orchestra with members ranging in age from 6 to 93 years old.
WHYThe mix between young and old allows for great intergenerational teaching and learning combinations within the universal language of music and the arts. To promote music activities for seniors.
WHERE The New Jersey Intergenerational Orchestra.(NJIO)
Founder- Lorraine Marks.
Berkeley Heights, NJ, USA.

Program Description

"Older people have to have that feeling of being needed and wanted…our society is so fragmented. You have senior citizen housing, you have assisted living where people aren't coming together anymore."

"Young people need the wisdom of the older people. You cannot separate them. They need to be brought together."
Lorraine Marks, Founder New Jersey Intergenerational Orchestra. source:

"The genuine camaraderie prevalent at all its rehearsals and concerts emanates from the perfect union of the eagerness to learn and the ability to teach, as the young and the young at heart share music stands and experiences throughout the season."

The New Jersey Intergenerational Orchestra believes that seniors can share their wisdom and become a resource for children. Bringing youth and seniors together promotes growth and understanding between generations. The program showcases senior arts in a unique and wonderful way.

The Intergenerational Orchestra has traveled to New York City's Lincoln Center, The United Nations, and Washington, D.C. for special performances. A trip to Spain was also taken for an appearance and workshop at the International Day of Older Persons. The outreach program brings a small group of orchestra performers to senior citizen centers, nursing homes and special community events.

The New Jersey Intergenerational Orchestra is featured in the documentary “The Open Road: America Looks at Aging,” which aired in 2005 on public television stations across the United States.

Intergenerational Social Programs
Intergenerational Seniors Helping Youth Programs




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