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WHATFunding and coaching for entrepreneurs and innovators to create intergenerational solutions to social, environmental, and other problems faced by society.
WHYTo encourage the exchange of ideas and talent between different generations as a method of problem solving.

Program Description

“We need new ways to bring older and younger people together to solve problems, bridge divides and create a better future for all. Critical problems like racial inequality, climate change and social isolation, just to name a few — require all of us working across generational divides.”

“Gen2Gen is powered by, an innovation hub tapping the talent of people 50+ as a force for good.”

“…seeks candidates who are deep believers in the assets and value of old and young as contributors to society and their own potential as leaders to make intergenerational connection and collaboration the norm.”

Entrepreneurs will receive coaching from other professions and experts in the area of expertise to design and execute their intergenerational project.

During the fellowship fellows will learn how to:

  • Fine tune their intergenerational project.
  • Craft a compelling talk.
  • Find new ways to spread their idea to a broader audience.
  • Influence the national conversation.
  • Enhance their leadership skills.
  • Build connections with leaders in the intergenerational field.

The Gen2Gen Innovation Fellowship is open to individuals not affiliated with an organization, as well as those working with nonprofits, for-profits, and civic institutions.

Past intergenerational projects include:

  • Connecting older and younger professionals for two-way mentorship and networking.
  • Harnessing technology to build a virtual global village for elders and youth.
  • Creating a dementia-friendly app that fosters intergenerational friendship through collaborative art.
  • Allowing older adults who have connections to make introductions for kids who don’t have the means.
  • Helping high-impact organizations bring spiritual wellness and intergenerational joy to their work.
  • Mobilizing grandpas to be role models for boys, changing the narrative about older men in the process.
  • Reducing isolation through unexpected intergenerational friendships.

Gen2Gen asks older adults to stand up for and with young people. The aim is to build a community that brings older and younger generations together to work side by side for change and improve life for everyone in the community.

Aging Programs
Senior Activities

Find out more about the Gen2Gen Innovation Fellowship

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