Program Description
"Sport has a universal appeal across communities, generations and families, yet is rarely offered as a reminiscence activity for older people. Using our guides and materials, families, friends, care staff and volunteers will quickly gain the confidence to start exciting and stimulating sports reminiscence work. Sporting reminiscence is fun, it's stimulating, it evokes magical memories, sparks conversation and debate, brings people together and allows people to share the passion they have for their favorite sports."
The Sporting Memories website has a Replay Page for each area of sport covering, football, golf, rugby, motorsport, cricket, tennis and more. Replay pages can be used to find a sports memory, add a sports memory, and view sports images and memorabilia. Replay cards for memory recall are also available for purchase.
Dementia care home activity coordinators and volunteers or family members can help engage those with dementia.
The Sporting Memories Network works with care homes to implement the sports reminiscence program to help those with dementia. The Sporting Memories Network has also partnered with the Scottish National Portrait Gallery for the exhibition 'Playing for Scotland.' The event provided an opportunity for training and those with dementia to view the exhibit and reminisce.
The Sporting Reminiscence Guide is a valuable dementia activity tool, which contains iconic sports images of sport from the 1940's through to 1979. The reminiscence guide also has information on how to set up a reminiscence group with a sports theme. The guide can be used to create dementia activities to be used by care homes or anyone who would like to help those with dementia.
Other reminiscence ideas for helping people with dementia include:
-Creating a sports memory book with children or grandchildren.
-Using sports images and memorabilia to stimulate memories and conversation.
-Discussing current sports stars, coaches, games, and legendary sports names.
-Sports reminiscence training and resources to staff and volunteers.
The Sporting Memories Network works with international, national and local sporting institutions, historians, sports clubs, the media, ambassadors and advisors to use sports reminiscence to help those with dementia.
source: sportingmemoriesnetwork.com
Memory Programs