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WHATProvides dementia training and education.
WHYTo provide dementia caregivers and health care providers with a better more gentle way to deal with responsive behaviors from those with dementia.
WHEREAdvanced Gerontological Education (AGE).
Hamilton, Ontario Canada.

Program Description

"There were a number of collaborators who were really interested in the fact that there was a tension between safety of staff and person-centered care. We created this particular training education program to help staff feel more confident when they were caring for older adults with cognitive impairments like Alzheimer’s disease."
-Lori Schindel Martin AGE Inc,. Board of Directors.

“Since we started training staff in person-centered care and GPA we have eliminated all restraints in the home ... we have also noticed a decrease in the number of falls, as well as an increase in the number of residents participating in meaningful activities.”

–Monika Berindettenbols – Parkview Services for Seniors.

“GPA has taught our team to use a compassionate, person-centered and gentle approach when responding to residents demonstrating responsive behaviors associated with dementia or other cognitive impairments. These techniques emphasize the importance of understanding the unmet need and finding creative strategies to support the resident in that moment.”

– Chino Nwankpa, Director of Care Parkview Services for Seniors.

The Gentle Persuasive Approach is an innovative dementia care education curriculum based on a person-centered care approach.

Health care professionals who enroll in the training are encouraged to fully understand responsive behaviors in those with dementia so that they may respond in a respectful, self-protective and gentle way.

Training encourages staff to look for the meaning behind the behavior, what the person needs in the moment, and work with them in order to resolve the issue and diffuse the behavior.

Advanced Gerontological Education’s The Gentle Persuasive Approach Dementia Care Training covers:

  • Introduction to Personhood- staff is trained that they can better look after a person when they know and understand who the patient is.
  • Brain and Behavior – dementia care staff are trained on how the brain is effected by Dementia.
  • Interpersonal Environment – re-evaluating a caregivers own communication methods realizing that communication is taking place with someone with impairments.
  • Gentle Persuasive Techniques -  strategies to prevent injury to caregivers and those with dementia when experiencing responsive behavior.


Aging Programs
Dementia Assistance and Activities Programs
Dementia Training and Dementia Advocacy Programs

Watch Video on Gentle Persuasive Approach Dementia Training


Advanced Gerontological Education (AGE Inc.)
from Double Barrel Studios on Vimeo.



Dr. Samir Sinha On The Importance of Gentle Persuasive Approaches (GPA) in Dementia Care
from AGE Inc on Vimeo.

Find out more about Gentle Persuasive Approach Dementia Training

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