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WHAT Group sessions to help sharpen and recall memory skills of older adults who are showing signs of memory loss or have been recently diagnosed with dementia.
WHYA memory program can help minimize memory loss and delay symptoms by stimulating the mind.
WHEREThe Muller Center for Senior Health Abington Memorial Hospital
Pennsylvania, USA.

Program Description

The "Memory Fitness Center" Program is a memory loss prevention program that uses activities and socialization to help sharpen and recall memory skills of older adults who are showing signs of memory loss or have been recently diagnosed with dementia.

Those with memory loss will receive support and friendship and may feel more confident as a result of attending the "Memory Fitness Center” Program.

Each memory program group session lasts several hours and includes dementia mind fitness activities such as:

-Physical exercise
-Literature discussion
-Current events
-Guest speakers
-Music Support group
-Information and referral

Abington Memorial Hospital's Muller Center for Senior Health helps people enjoy healthy, productive lives as they age. The Muller Center brings together the hospital's outstanding inpatient, outpatient, community outreach and long-term care services for our senior patients. In addition, academic teaching and research activities are linked with the center and new services and educational opportunities for physicians and other healthcare professionals are offered

Find out more about the “Memory Fitness Center” Program

Senior Programs
-Memory Programs
-Dementia, Alzheimer's Caregivers Programs
-Dementia Assistance and Activities
-Dementia Training and Dementia Advocacy
-Dementia, Alzheimer's Documentaries

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