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WHATPop-up wall-mounted dementia related products and activities for those with moderate to severe dementia.
WHYTo supplement existing physiotherapy, occupational, recreational and music therapy with hands on tactile activity which is mentally stimulating and to promote a state of calm.
WHEREAmbient Activity Technologies. Based in Ontario, Canada.

Program Description

“We refer to this as ‘Ambient Augmentation’ because they are ambient in the environment for easy access and because they are designed to augment existing activity programming by providing self-accessed activity interactions, available 24/7.”

Hands on Ambient Activities create opportunities for spontaneous interaction, engagement and socialization.

Dementia related activities include: Sorting a wall-mounted cupboard, rotating a wheel to reveal images, and touch screen activity such matching pairs.

Caregivers may introduce a resident with dementia to the activity modelling by physically helping with hand over hand assistance which may  stimulate memory through movement. Caregiver distress may be reduced by  preventing responsive behaviors.

The ABBY is an Ambient Activity that uses touch-screen technology along with personalized experiences, memories, and activities with the aim of triggering memories and engaging residents with dementia.

Aging Programs
Dementia Assistance and Activities Programs
Memory Programs



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