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WHATDesignation of National Distinction in Alzheimer's care and related dementias for nursing care and other senior living facilities.
WHYTo set a national standard of excellence in Alzheimer's care and related dementias care and to advocate for better dementia care in the United States. To help ensure quality of life for individuals with dementia and their families.
WHEREThe Alzheimer's Foundation of America.(AFA)
Excellence in Care.
Across the United States.

Program Description

"The Excellence in Care program serves as a resource for families selecting care settings for the loved ones. If a facility has the status of Alzheimer's Foundation of America Excellence in Care Dementia Program of Distinction, families know that the care setting has voluntarily gone through the Excellence in Care evaluation process and has met AFA's national standard of excellence."

The Alzheimer's Foundation of America partners with nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, senior residential communities, adult day care and other senior living programs to set a national standard of excellence in Alzheimer's and related dementias care.

The "Excellence in Care" Program was created with the help of industry experts and includes an on-site evaluation of the nursing care facility, senior living, senior residential community etc.

"The Alzheimer's Foundation of America Excellence in Care" Program sends "Excellence in Care Specialists" (dementia care professionals who have undergone dementia training) to partner with the elderly nursing care facilities to help achieve standards of excellence in dementia care. Dementia training areas include environment, dementia education, staff and senior resident interaction and overall dementia programming. Consultation is provided on the best strategies for the nursing care organization to achieve distinction status, standards for quality of care and to sustain quality performance.

The benefits of achieving the "The Alzheimer's Foundation of America Excellence in Care" distinction status are for nursing care facilities to be able to:

-Provide the best dementia care and quality of life for senior residents
-Retain and recruit trained staff
-Increase awareness, knowledge and understanding of Alzheimer's and related dementias
-Increase nursing care staff confidence and morale in dealing with dementia residents
-Act as a dementia care resource for senior resident family members and the community through educational dementia workshops and education

The Alzheimer's Foundation of America aims to:

-Remove the stigma of the Alzheimer's' disease and related dementias
-Advocate for early detection and proper treatment
-Promote a wider use of community resources to help cope with and fight dementia
-Improve quality of life for those with dementia

Find out more about the "The Alzheimer's Foundation of America Excellence in Care" Program

Senior Programs
-Dementia Training and Dementia Advocacy
-Memory Recall and Mind Fitness Programs
-Dementia, Alzheimer's Caregivers Programs
-Dementia Assistance and Activities
-Dementia, Alzheimer's Documentaries

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