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WHATA national charity dedicated to advocating for age-friendly cities.
WHYTo foster and promote a more age-friendly society as a norm and to improve the quality of life for older adults in their communities.
WHEREThe Beth Johnson Foundation. United Kingdom.

Program Description

“Working with a network of volunteers, researchers, intergenerational practitioners, and age-specialist partner organizations, we speak up for the rights of older people, and push for change, at a strategic and practical level, to give everyone the opportunity to enjoy a great later life.”

The Beth Johnson Foundation is dedicated to The World Health Organization’s Age-Friendly Cities Initiative which advocates for age- friendly:

  • Outdoor Spaces and Buildings.
  • Transportation.
  • Housing.
  • Social Participation.
  • Respect and Social Inclusion.
  • Civic Participation and Employment.
  • Communication and Information.
  • Community Support and Health Services.

The foundation is also committed to

  • Carer Support.
  • Dementia Advocacy.
  • Bereavement Friendship Group.
  • Health Literacy.
  • Aging Related Research.
  • Training.
Aging Programs
Senior Housing & Assisted Living
Senior Friendly Community Programs

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