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WHATIndependent senior living and assisted living for LGBT seniors.
WHYTo provide welcoming senior living apartments and supportive senior care for LGBT older adults.
WHEREStonewall Gardens. Palm Spring, California, USA.

Program Description

“They put up a flag and are like ‘Oh look, gay pride.’ And that’s it. And, you know… I don’t know if it’s insulting, but I don’t think it does the resident justice to just be so one dimensional with it… It’s about: how do your caregivers feel towards them? What are your activities? Do they cater to their interests? Do you do anything different for them, or is just regular old bingo?”
– Lauren Kabakoff - Marketing Director Stonewall Gardens. source: article: ‘What it's really like at an LGBTI-inclusive assisted living retirement facility in Palm Springs’

“Stonewall Gardens is a welcoming, supportive, and respectful environment, where a diverse group of LGBT seniors and friends can live, relax, and be well. Our goal is to provide a beautiful, secure, social, and dynamic community for LGBT seniors where they will be cared for with the dignity and respect they deserve.”

Stonewall Gardens provides older LGBT seniors with Assisted living including 24-hour nursing care, housekeeping, meals, social activities and more. 

Senior living apartments include studio apartment, one-bedroom apartment or shared deluxe studio apartment.


LGBT Senior Awareness and Sensitivity Training Programs
LGBT Senior Housing and Assisted Living Programs
Watch LGBT Senior Documentaries

 Find out more about Stonewall Gardens

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