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WHATA temporary emergency shelter for victims of elder abuse.
WHYTo provide a safe place, shelter, temporary housing and social services for seniors who are victims of physical, sexual, financial, verbal, emotional or psychological abuse or neglect.
WHEREJewish Family Home.
New Jersey, USA.

Program Description

“While in the shelter, victims receive medical and nursing care, therapy and nutrition services as needed as well as spiritual care, social services and legal assistance. There is no charge for these services; we provide them because we believe it is our obligation to older adults and to our community. Equally important, SeniorHaven provides us with a platform for educating our community — both professionals and the general public.”

A victim of senior abuse may be housed anywhere within the Jewish Family Home or with its partner facilities, for appropriate housing.

SeniorHaven is the first elder abuse shelter in New Jersey.

SeniorHaven Provides: 

  • Safe haven for individuals over 65 who are victims of abuse
  • A 90-120 day stay at the most appropriate Jewish Home Family or Spring Alliance partner facility
  • Medical care
  • Nursing care
  • Therapy
  • Nutrition services
  • Spiritual care
  • Social Services
  • Legal Assistance

SeniorHaven works to increase awareness about elder abuse in the community through educational programs, promotional items and educational materials. Some of the Jewish Family Home’s other senior services include: Long Term Care, Assisted Living, Rehabilitation, Adult Day Health Care, Respite Care, Hospice Care, Dementia Care, and a Senior Driver Program.

Aging Programs
Senior Housing, Assisted Living
Temporary Senior Housing, Homeless, Senior Shelters
Elder Abuse Prevention Programs




 Find out more about SeniorHaven for Elder Abuse Prevention

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