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WHATUnits of affordable senior housing serving low income seniors located above commercial space in Sacramento, CA.
WHYSenior cohousing communities can result in a better quality of life for seniors where loneliness and isolation are no longer options. A senior cohousing community is able to share activities, resources, services and support together.
WHEREMcCamant & Durrett Architects. Sacramento Street Senior Homes.
Berkeley, California, USA.

Program Description

Senior's residential units vary and include studio, one, and two-bedroom apartments. Seniors have the convenience of having their homes located within walking distance of neighborhood services such as grocery stores, health care and pharmacies.

The building helps seniors with energy cost savings by incorporating environmental friendly building materials and systems to maximize energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and durability.

"Sacramento Senior Homes" was awarded the 2006 Design Award by the Berkeley Design Advocates.

McCamant & Durrett Architects specialize in Senior Housing design and development and affordable senior communities and have  published  the book “Senior Cohousing – A Community Approach to Independent Living.” 

 Find out more about the “Sacramento Street Senior Homes Community” Program

Senior Programs
-Senior Home Sharing and Cohousing Programs
-Senior Friendly Communities
-Assisted Living for Seniors
-Affordable Housing Assistance for Seniors
-Elderly Home Repair Assistance and Modifications for Safety
-Temporary or Senior Shelter Housing
-Gay LGBT Senior Housing & Assisted Living

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