Public Health Agency of Canada. Pan-Canadian Age-Friendly Communities Network.
Program Description
"Canada's senior population is growing. This makes it more important than ever to support the health and well being of older Canadians. This way, seniors can lead healthy and active lives and stay involved in their communities. Making communities 'age-friendly' is believed to be one of the best ways to do this."
An age-friendly community provides a physical and social environment designed to help seniors age actively, live safely, and stay involved in the community for as long as possible.
A senior friendly neighborhood understands and meets the age-related needs of seniors and recognizes that seniors have a wealth of skills and abilities that they can contribute to the community.
What does an age-friendly community look like?
Sidewalks are well lit, accessible and in good shape.
Public transportation is accessible.
Buildings have automatic door openers and elevators.
Seniors are involved community activities, such as life-long learning, senior arts activities such as visiting museums or contributing to the community by volunteering for charities or other duties.
Outdoor and public areas are safe, accessible, and have frequently located benches and public restrooms.
Senior housing is affordable, safe and designed for older adults.
Senior health care and senior support services are available.
The Pan-Canadian Age-Friendly Communities Network is based on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Age-Friendly Communities initiative, a project that brought together International cities that were interested in becoming more age-friendly.
How to start an Age-Friendly community:
The Pan-Canadian Age-Friendly Communities Network provides anyone interested in starting an Age-Friendly community with the following:
-Senior-friendly neighborhood publications, guides and resources.
-Accsess to the ‘Age-Friendly Communities in Canada: Community Implementation Guide and Toolbox.’
-Practices for implementing an Age-Friendly Communities model.
-Shared experience from communities across Canada who are making their communities more age-friendly.
-Free online Age-Friendly webinars.
British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island have all started their own Age-Friendly communities.
source: phac-aspc.gc.ca