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WHATNesterly helps connect renters looking for affordable housing with those who have extra space in their home. Connections are intergenerational allowing for a mutual exchange between the young and old.
WHYTo help members of both older and younger generations to support one another by providing assistance with rent, errands and reducing isolation through socialization.
Founder – Noelle Marcus. USA.

Program Description

“According to AARP 40% of over 45 year olds say they are interested in renting out a room in their home but today only 2% are doing it and we think that’s because the right product and the right service did not exist.”

“Nesterly is on a mission to make housing more affordable for all. We do this by helping you create a mutually beneficial connection that ranges across generations, cultures and lived experiences.”
Nesterly Founder – Noelle Marcus.

Nesterly connects older adults with extra space in their home and who may need some extra help with younger people looking for affordable housing to rent.

Nesterly helps renters looking for affordable housing with those who have extra space in their home. The connections are intergenerational allowing for a mutual exchange between the young and old.

Benefits of homesharing for older adults include:

  • Additional supplement of rental income.
  • Support with household chores.
  • Help running errands.
  • Social interaction and reduced isolation.

Older adults interested in renting out a spare room can do so by signing up and listing their room for rent on Nesterly.

Homesharing helps older adults answer the question of ‘How can I supplement my income by renting out a spare room?’

Nesterly homesharing charges a booking fee and takes a percentage of monthly rent and provides the following support services:

  • Payment System for Rent.
  • Leases.
  • Ongoing Support.
  • Screening of Renters for Safety and Compatibility.
Aging Programs
Senior Housing
Senior Home Sharing and Senior Cohousing




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