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WHATThe National Neighbors Silver Campaign aims to empower, organize advocate for and support economically vulnerable older adults particularly in the areas of senior housing and finance.
WHYSo that seniors can gain access to fair housing and lending and so that future retirees can live with dignity and economic security.
WHERENational Neighbors Silver Campaign.
National Community Reinvestment Coalition.
Across the USA.

Program Description

"National Neighbors Silver partners are engaging seniors in direct action to improve their financial circumstances and enhance their communities.
Examples of direct action include door-to-door outreach with isolated older adults, financial literacy trainings at senior centers, town hall meetings designed to demand accountability from local slumlords, participation in bank 'occupy' events, and more."

The National Neighbors Silver Campaign promotes access to adequate affordable housing and quality banking services and for older adults.

National Neighbors Silver works with the banking industry, the aging network and housing experts, to provide solutions for the economic security of older adults.

The National Neighbors Silver Campaign engages in the following activities to help seniors to become economically secure:

  • Advocates with community-based partners and allies to develop better policies for older adults for affordable senior housing, accessibility and fairness. Examples of this may include empowering financial service providers to help detect and prevent financial crimes that exploit older adults or preventing home contractor fraud.
  • Educating and empowering low-income and moderate-income older adults.  
  • Identifying financial stressors facing seniors
  • Motivating change by decision makers.

The National Neighbors Silver Campaign's Housing Counseling Network and National Training Academy provides older adults and caregivers with senior housing help including workshops, meetings, and seminars.

Subsidized and Affordable Housing Assistance for Seniors
Senior Home Sharing and Senior CoHousing
Assisted Living
Home Modification, Repairs, Ramps, for Aging in Place
Senior Friendly Communities
Senior Moving Services and Relocation
Temporary or Senior Shelter Housing




Find out more about the National Neighbors Silver Campaign

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