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WHATProvides research, resources and tools to create Age-Friendly Neighborhoods and encourages older adults to be ambassadors for change in their communities and participate and lead in the process.
WHYTo advocate for and to empower older adults in creating age- friendly, strong communities and redefine what it means to be an older person in America.
WHEREInstitute for Empowered Aging at UNH.
United Neighborhood Houses. New York, N.Y., USA.

Program Description

“We believe that growing older actually means that you are actually an asset in your community and not there just to receive support.”
-Susan Stabler Executive Director, United Neighbourhood Houses

“The Institute for Empowered Aging is doing incredible things across New York not only are they bringing generational together but they’re putting the older adults in charge to design programming they think is best for their neighborhood.”
-Michael Eisner, Founder, the Eisner Foundation.
-source: video: ‘The 2021 Eisner Prize: Institute for Empowered Aging at UNH.’

The Institute for Empowered Aging values the interests, skills, experience and passions of older people and positions them as valued community resources and drivers of community change.

Empowering older people to be agents of change helps older adults by:

Fighting social isolation and loneliness associated with growing old.
Changing negative perceptions of older people and ageist attitudes that promote exclusion in the community.
Providing value, meaning and purpose and the opportunity to utilize their skills, knowledge, experience and interests.
Improving the health and well-being of older adults.

The Institute for Empowered Aging at United Neighborhood Houses work includes:

Self-Directed Teams - staff at settlement houses are trained on how to support and empower self-directed teams of older people interested in addressing important issues in their community.

Pre-K literacy: Powered by Older People - older adults are trained to deliver a Pre-K classroom curriculum (two hours, twice a week) developed by Jumpstart. Involvement of older adults in early childhood settings can help build the literacy and social-emotional skills of young children so that they can succeed in school.

Community Narratives - bring generations together to tell a community’s story using storytelling techniques and elevating community issues.

Age-friendly Neighborhoods - working with settlement houses to form teams of older people who are interested in making their community one where residents can successfully age in place including multi-generational settlement houses promoting strong social connections.

Linking Generations - promoting community-based spaces and programs where generations can come together to learn, create, and be civically active. Older people can enhance after school programs, high school career planning, and the civic engagement of young people in their community.

Research on Aging - conducting studies and research projects to better understand the needs, challenges, and opportunities facing aging populations.

Policy Development - providing insights and recommendations to policymakers regarding programs and policies that could improve the quality of life for older adults, support aging in place, and address healthcare and social needs.

Community Engagement - collaborating with communities, organizations, and stakeholders to develop and implement initiatives that promote healthy aging, intergenerational connections, and age-friendly environments.

The Institute for Empowered Aging is a recipient of the Eisner Prize for Intergenerational Excellence.

Aging Programs
Senior Housing & Assisted Living
Senior Friendly Community Programs




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