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WHATA homeshare program that provides seniors and others with an affordable housing option by finding a suitable match for individuals who wish to share a home.
WHYHomeshare is an attractive option for many older adults who may wish to share their home or live in someone else’s home for added safety, help with errands, housekeeping and socialization.
WHEREHomeShare Vermont.
Vermont, USA.

Program Description

“Each compatible match is unique and based upon the interests, needs, and lifestyles of the individuals involved. It is up to people in the program to decide who they want to live with. HomeShare staff is with you every step of the way.”

“We stay involved throughout the duration of the match. We check in regularly. We are always available if you have concerns, want to talk through a homesharing issue, or are simply ready to move on and want help having that conversation.”

HomeShare Vermont provides background checks and references, interviews, a match based on needs and preferences, a housing agreement and ongoing support while a match lives together.

Homeshare agreements can range from a housemate who only provides rent to one that provides help with tasks and errands such as transportation, yard work, pet care, meal preparation and more.

In addition to help with errands, a homeshare agreement can help elderly feel safe in their own home or in someone else’s home, provide additional rental income or a reduced rent, and feel less isolated and lonely.

Seniors who own their own home can be matched with a younger individual who is provided with an  affordable housing option and an opportunity to help the elderly live comfortably in their own home.

Aging Programs
Senior Housing
Senior Home Sharing and Senior Cohousing




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