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WHATOffers financial home repair assistance for home modifications that will help low-income Canadian seniors to age in place in their own homes safely and independently.
WHYTo provide simple home repair assistance and home modification so that seniors do not have to move to assisted living and can be assured ease of mobility and home safety.
WHERECanada Housing and Mortgage Corporation. (CHMC) Government of Canada.
Across Canada.

Program Description

Senior homeowners and/or thier landlords may qualify for home repair assistance if:

• The senior occupant is 65 years of age or over and has difficulty with daily living activities due to loss of ability brought on by aging

• Senior Household income is at or below the program income limit
• The home is the seniors permanent residence

Senior home modification, repair and adaptations should be minor items related to loss of ability and mobility.

Examples of eligible home modifications and adaptations are handrails in hallways, easy-to-reach work and storage areas in the kitchen, lever handles on doors and grab bars in the bathroom.

Senior home modifications must be permanently installed or fixed to the dwelling, improve access to basic facilities within the home and increase the physical safety for the senior resident.

Examples of ineligible modifications include: supportive care and portable aids, such as walkers and household appliances.

The Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation offers a free guide to senior home modification entitled:

"Maintaining Seniors' Independence: A Guide to Home Adaptations- Checklist-style reference for seniors, their families and caregivers that shows how small, inexpensive home modifications and repairs can be done to enhance senior independent living.

It is the responsibility of the senior, their family or cargivier to hire a contractor for home modification. The The Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation (CMHC) recommends asking for friends for referrals through word of mouth or using its resource, “Hiring a Contractor.

The Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation also offers financial assistance and forgivable loans for home modifications along with the "Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program for Persons with Disabilities" Program.

-More Home Modification, Home Repair Assistance, Design for Aging in Place Programs

Find out more about the "Home Adaptations for Senior's Independence" Program

Senior Programs
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