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WHATAn online guide for how to design new homes (or make home modifications to existing homes) allowing seniors to age in place comfortably.
WHYTo use smart design strategies to make it easier, more accessible and safer for seniors to live in their own homes as they age.
WHERECanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. (CMHC)
Across Canada.

Program Description

"People who inhabit and visit the houses we live in come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from infants to seniors, with various ever-changing abilities and skills. As we grow up, grow old and welcome new people to our homes, our housing needs change. A house or dwelling that is designed and constructed to reflect the principles of universal design will be safer and more accommodating to the diverse range of ages and abilities of people who live in and visit these homes."

The “Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Accessible Housing by Design for Ramps" covers:

When to Install an Access Ramp
- Ramps are best for people who are have difficulty with stairs for whatever reason and several options are available that best suits individual needs.

A 'How to Build a Ramp' guide covering topics such as:
Level landings, Slope, Length, Width, Location, Handrails, Material, Portable Ramps, Modular Ramp Systems, Prefabricated Ramp Systems, Concrete Ramps, Interlocking Brick Ramps and Wood Ramps is available on the website. The “Accessible Housing by Design” Series also covers ramp design strategies.

Other topics in the “Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Accessible Housing by Design” Series are:

Home Automation
Lifts and Residential Elevators
Residential Hoists and Ceiling Lifts

All topics covered in the “Accessible Housing by Design” Series consider:

Senior safety, efficient design, maneuvering space, effort, adaptability, ease of use, materials used, visibility, energy efficiency and other design for aging in place factors.

The “Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation" (CMHC) publishes a helpful how to guide for housing developers called ‘Design Options for Barrier-Free and Adaptable Housing.’ The free download outlines how adaptable and accessible architectural concepts can be integrated into senior housing building projects. The goal is to provide those with mobility and functional limitations with  barrier-free and adaptable housing options.

The “Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation" (CMHC) is Canada’s national housing agency. CMHC is Canada’s premier provider of mortgage loan insurance, mortgage-backed securities, housing policy and programs, and housing research.

Find out more about the "Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Accessible Housing by Design Series"

Senior Programs
-Home Modification, Home Repair Assistance, Design for Aging in Place Programs

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