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WHATAn organization which trains senior home safety consultants and businesses to specialize in aging-in-place, home modifications, universal design, and senior home safety assessments.
WHYTo provide resources, education, training and support to those catering to the home modification industry which in turn helps elderly to lead safe independent lives.
WHEREAge Safe America.

Program Description

"Age Safe America members are independent Advisors, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Care Managers, Remodelers, Builders, Architects, Designers, Home Care Providers, Accessibility Experts, Realtors, Senior Living Advisors and Healthcare Professionals all dedicated to helping seniors and their families determine the steps necessary to maximize both safety and independence."

Members provide a myriad of valuable services to older adults, family caregivers, aging boomers and homeowners including education, comprehensive home safety assessments, product recommendations and installations.

Age Safe America provides training and certification to contractors, handyman and other professionals to help make home modifications to senior homes.

In many cases simple home modifications allow older adults to increase accessibility and mobility to safely live in their own homes as they age.

Examples of home modifications include:

  • Adding lighting.
  • Grab Bars next to the toilet, shower, stairwell or hallway.
  • Non-slip floor surfaces to prevent falls.
  • Adjustable counter heights.
  • Adjustable toilet height.
  • Assistive technology, voice activated and remote control devices.
  • Smart home system to control thermostat, security system, motion detected lighting and more.
  • Home modifications to prepare for natural disasters such as wildfires earhtquakes and hurricanes.

Senior home safety assessments allow advisors to help older adults look at the interior and exterior of their home including home security, locks, access to entrances and exits, bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchen, lighting, fire, gas and electric components.

Aging Programs
Senior Housing
Home Modification, Home Repair Assistance, Design for Aging in Place

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