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WHATFinds a new home for pets when a terminally ill owner can no longer can care for their pet.
WHYTo ensure that pet owners are able to spend their last days peacefully and that pets find loving homes. 
WHERESafe Place for Pets.
Colorado Springs, CO, USA.

Program Description

The "Safe Place for Pets" Program requires adoptive families to complete a questionnaire, spend time with the pet and allow a Safe Place evaluator to perform a home safety assessment.

If for any reason an adoptive family is unable to continue providing care for an animal, Safe Place will find another home for their pet.

All Safe Place animals receive a medical and behavioral evaluation before adoption.

All vaccinations are up to date and pets are neutered or spayed before placement.

The "Safe Place for Pets" Program needs volunteers to provide:

-Temporary foster care to an animal who is waiting to be adopted
-Assistance during special events and community outreach services
-Support in increasing awareness of pet assistance for the disabled or terminally ill
-Evaluation of animals and assessing new homes for pets
-Administrative functions

Find out more about the "Safe Place for Pets" Program

Senior Programs
The Terminally Ill & Their Pets
Pets and Seniors Companionship
Service Dogs for Elderly
Palliative Care & Hospice Care Training
General End of Life Care Programs
End of LIfe Documentaries

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