Program Description
ACT on Alzheimer's Dementia Friendly Toolkit is a step-by-step guide for organizing a planning committee and creating an action plan for a dementia friendly community. The goal is to help communities become dementia friendly, one that is informed, safe, and respectful of people living with dementia and their families, and has supportive features across all community sectors and fosters quality of life for everyone.
The project provides free Dementia Friendly Training Guides that cover supportive environments, interaction, engaging, connecting and communication tips, behavioral tips, and dementia supportive practices across various sectors including:
Dementia Friendly Businesses - both employees and customers are touched by dementia personally and professionally.
Dementia Friendly at Work training - provides free dementia training for workplaces and businesses.
Dementia Friendly Dental Care -dental professionals can play key care and support roles for people with dementia and their care partners.
Dementia Friendly Faith Communities -faith communities play a vital role in supporting and engaging people touched by dementia.
Dementia Friendly Health Care - health care providers can ensure early detection and use a coordinated, person-centered approach.
Dementia Friendly Legal and Financial Planning –assessing capacity and making legal and financial plans early in the process is important for people living with dementia.
Libraries - provide access to resources, services, and programs for people living with dementia and their families.
Dementia Friendly Local Government Services - emergency responders, police, fire and others can make a difference for people living with dementia.
Dementia Friendly Residential Settings - a residential setting for a person living with dementia is both a home and a setting for care.
Dementia Friendly Driving and Transportation -transportation and driving resources are listed.
ACT on Alzheimer's works to support individuals living with dementia and their care partners by partnering with nonprofits, governmental, and private organizations and individuals.
Dementia Assistance and Activities
Dementia, Alzheimer's Caregivers Programs
Memory Recall and Mind Fitness Programs
Dementia and Arts Programs
Dementia Documentaries