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WHATPublic charter schools that bring together elementary and middle-grade students and older adults for an intergenerational education and learning experience.
WHYTo enrich the education of younger children by connecting them with the rich experience of older adults. To keep older adults engaged connected and contributing to their community.
WHEREIntergenerational Schools. Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

Program Description

“At the Intergenerational Schools, our mission is to connect, create, and guide a multigenerational community of lifelong learners and spirited citizens as we strive for academic excellence.”

“Older adults interested in healthy aging partnered with students to help foster a love of books, to explore and learn together, and to serve as another caring adult to share their wisdom with this younger generation. In exchange, they enjoyed a renewed sense of purpose, acceptance and cognitive stimulation.”

“Learning and teaching each other side by side, both students and older adults could better understand and appreciate their individual contributions to a rich and diverse community. These fundamentals are what make the schools so unique today.”

Intergenerational Schools bring older adults and school age children together to learn side by side.

Seniors and kids build positive intergenerational relationships together and older adults are able to contribute to student education by sharing stories and experiences, playing math games, teaching literacy skills and more.

In addition to older adults participating in the classroom each class of students adopts senior residents from local senior living community. During student visits both generations participate in learning activities, exchange skills, knowledge, ideas, and build friendships.
Students are also able to develop valuable social emotional skills.

Intergenerational Schools provide an innovative educational experience for elementary and middle-grade students.

• Small, multi-age/multi-grade classes
• Individually paced learning
• Nationally recognized educational model
• Intergenerational Learning Partners from the community to support every child

The schools are administered by educators, school building leaders, and nonprofit professionals and are governed by a board volunteers.

Intergenerational Schools have received the National Eisner Prize for Intergenerational Excellence and also for Lifetime Achievement in Intergenerational Advocacy and have been designated as Community Schools of Quality by the Ohio Department of Education.

Aging Programs
Senior Contributions Programs
Intergenerational Programs
Intergenerational Social Activities




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