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WHATGrandparents for a Safe Earth fights for policies which aim to maintain earth’s eco-systems and in the process provide security and well-being to future generations.
WHYTo encourage disinvestment from fossil-fuels and to encourage investment in renewables and energy efficiency.
WHEREGrandparents for a Safe Earth. United Kingdom.

Program Description

“We are a network of grandparents and elders who care deeply about the world our descendants will inherit. We have learned that the current plans of energy companies and governments will, if not radically changed, put our grandchildren’s future at risk. We seek to co-operate and enter into dialogue with others. Where other actions fail, we are prepared to take direct action, in a spirit of non-violence and respect.”

“We invite other groups of Grandparents for a Safe Earth to use that title and to include in brackets the name of your group’s locality and country, acknowledging that each group accepts responsibility for what it does.”

Grandparents for a Safe Earth have participated in demonstrations against banks investing in fracking, fossil fuels, instead of renewable energy.

Grandparents for a Safe Earth works to:

  • Engage in dialogue with businesses and governments regarding climate change.
  • Put pressure on organizations and governments.
  • Liaise with other environmental organizations.
  • Raise awareness about climate change.
  • Advocate for an economy which respects resources.
  • Encourage forest preservation and reforestation to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere.
  • Keep up to date with developments and thinking on climate change.
  • Work to reduce fossil fuel use.
Aging Programs
Senior Contributions Programs
Seniors Saving the Environment




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