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WHATGrandcamps where grandchildren participate in entertaining activities and grandparents take seminars, meet other grandparents raising their grandchildren and relax.
WHYSo that grandparents who are the primary carers of grandchildren are provided with support and respite childcare.
WHEREThe Department of Communities.
Seniors Enquiry Line. Grandparents Information. Queensland Government. Queensland, Australia.

Program Description

The Time For Grandparents Camp Program provides grandparents caring for grandchildren with respite care and the chance for temporary childcare.

Grandchildren camps are available to provide children with entertaining activities. Grandparents may also attend if they wish for combined grandparent and grandchildren camps.

Grandfamily camps provide safe and enjoyable recreational activities for grandchildren. Grandparents can relax or participate in information sessions on legal or financial information related to grandparent carers or participate inĀ  counseling sessions provided by social workers.

Grandfamily camps also give grandparents the chance to meet other grandparents caring for grandchildren and share their experiences.

Grandparents Information is a Queensland organization which provides information and referrals to grandparents to those who are taking care of their grandchildren either temporarily or permanently.

Grandparents as Parents Programs
Elderly Caregiver Education and Training Programs
Elderly Caregiver Support and Assistance Programs
Caregiver Films and Documentaries

Find out more about the Time For Grandparents Program

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