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WHAT Awards grants for the creation of support programs for grandparents and other relatives who have taken on the responsibility of surrogate parenting due to the absence of the parents.
WHYTo provide support and respite for grandparents and family members acting as surrogate parents.
WHEREThe Brookdale Foundation, Glendale Foundation, and Ramapo Trust.
Endowed by the Schwartz family.
New York, NY, USA.

Program Description

“The Brookdale Relatives as Parents Program aims to develop or expand services for grandparents or other relatives who have taken on the responsibility of surrogate parenting when the biological parents are unable to do so.”


Support services are for grandparents or other relative caregivers caring for children outside of the foster care system.

Grandparents or other relatives caring for children of family members can receive help through the following support services:

Financial Assistance and Benefits
Legal Help
Individual and/or Family Counseling
Mental Health Service
Health Care Services
Housing Assistance
Housing Assistance
Transportation Assistance
Group Recreational Activities
Educational Seminars

The Relatives As Parents Program conducts the National Orientation and Training Conference and provides an annual newsletter, conference calls and webchats to facilitate opportunities for networking and information exchange.

The Relatives As Parents Program provided support for the establishment of the AARP Grandparent Information Center, which provides resources and information on issues confronted by grandparents who are raising their grandchildren and the professionals who assist them.

Find out more about the Relatives as Parents Program

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