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WHATFree in-home visits, support services and assistance for grandparents raising their grandchildren.
WHYTo provide health, legal, transportation assistance, referrals and community services to kinship families.
WHEREProject Healthy Grandparents.
Georgia State University. Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions.
Georgia, USA.

Program Description

“It’s very challenging there’s no question about that but I think that most of the grandparents welcome, accept the challenge because of faith."

" Shes’ six, I’m sixty-nine.”
-source: Video: WSB-TV ‘A Special Treat for Children Being Raised by Grandparents’

“…with the aim to improve the health and well-being of grandfamilies in which grandparents are raising their grandchildren in parent-absent homes.”

Help for grandfamilies includes the following support services:

  • In- home visits from registered nurses – assess the health of the grandparents including blood pressure, diabetes, and vision screenings and child health assessment including immunizations.
  • In-home visits from social workers – case management.
  • Parenting education classes - behavioral management, grandparent and grandchild interaction, positive parenting strategies.
  • Legal service referrals.
  • Early intervention services for young children – developmental, psychological and educational evaluation.
  • Referrals to healthcare and/or community service providers.
  • Transportation services – to appointments, support groups and meetings.
  • Grandparent Support Groups – engage in peer support and encouragement with other grandparents.

Grandparents as Parents Programs
Elderly Caregiver Education and Training Programs
Elderly Caregiver Support and Assistance Programs
Caregiver Films and Documentaries







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