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WHATA short-term or periodic break to family or other caregivers from the demands of daily care for functionally impaired persons, including the elderly.
WHYTo provide financial help for caregivers. To provide caregiver support and supplement the cost of support services of caring for an elderly loved one or other.
WHEREArea Agency on Aging.
NJ Department of Health and Senior Services, Licensing Program.
Trenton, NJ, USA.

Program Description

"The Statewide Respite Care Program was created by legislative action in 1987 specifically to provide support and relief to family or other uncompensated caregivers in meeting the demands of the daily care of frail elderly and other functionally impaired persons. "

"Statewide Respite is care for the caregiver, not for the care recipient. While services are given to the care recipient, it's for the purpose of giving the caregiver a break."

Financial help for caregivers is ranges upto 25% of the cost of services based on the care recipient's and spouse's income.

The Respite Care Program is a temporary respite for caregivers of the elderly and others.

The short-term break can:

  • Allow the caregiver to take a vacation.
  • Cover care when a caregiver needs surgery or has an emergency.
  • Give the caregiver time to take care of him/herself, run errands, etc.

Other caregiver support and respite services are available and offered by the state of New Jersey and include:

-In-home companion.
-In-home homemaker/home health aide/nurse.
-Medical adult day care.
-Social adult day care.
-Short-term in-patient care in a licensed medical facility.

Find out more about the Respite Care Program

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