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WHATThe Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Network brings together grandparents who are raising their grandchildren and other family kinship carers to give them a voice, to share experiences, and to find solutions.
WHYProvide grandparents caring for grandchildren and other family carers support so that they do not feel isolated or alone while performing their caring duties. To allow grandparents to feel more comfortable to act in the role of grandparents as parents.
(Formerly Grandparents Plus)
Funded by the Big Lottery Fund.
England and Wales,
United Kingdom.

Program Description

"Across the country, it's estimated that 200,000 grandparents and family carers are raising their grandchildren as a result of their parents' drug or alcohol misuse, imprisonment, mental health problems, disability or bereavement."


The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Network helps grandparents to raise grandchildren by providing the following programs and services:

-Holds grandparent carer events by joining with other groups to raise awareness of grandparent carer issues.
-Provides grandparents with carer training so that they get the support and services needed to act in the role of grandparents as parents.
-Advises supports and offers grandparents professional advice and information.
-Ensures that grandparents with carers have a voice and are able to help each other.
-Advises, informs and supports professionals to develop good kinship care practice and advises employers about how they can respond to the needs of their aging workforces.
-Supports other programs that help grandparent caregivers such as the Grandparenting in Europe Project and the Learning with Grandparents Project.

Grandparents Plus is a national charity in England and Wales which promotes the important role of grandparents and the wider family in children’s lives.

Kinship (previously known as Grandparents Plus) offers support to grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and family friends who step up to raise children when parents are no longer able. Kinship offers information, advice and support.

Grandparents as Parents Programs
Elderly Caregiver Education and Training Programs
Elderly Caregiver Support and Assistance Programs
Caregiver Films and Documentaries




Find out more about the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Network

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