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WHATAn alliance of organizations working to build and support a strong workforce to help care for the elderly.
WHYTo attract, retain and support nursing assistants, home health aides, personal care attendants, caregivers and employees in the elder care sector with the aim of addressing the workforce shortage.
WHERE Eldercare Workforce Alliance. Across the USA.

Program Description

“The Eldercare Workforce Alliance is a group of 34 national organizations, joined together to address the immediate and future workforce crisis in caring for an aging America.”

“To address our nation’s worsening eldercare crisis, the Alliance will build a caring and competent eldercare workforce, joining in partnership with older adults, their families and other unpaid caregivers – to provide high-quality, culturally-sensitive, person-directed, family-focused care, and improve the quality of life for older adults and their families.”

The Eldercare Workforce Alliance works to address the workforce shortage in caring for older adults and aims to provide:

  • Coordinated, person-directed and family-focused senior care services.
  • Support for family, friends and others unpaid caregivers along with caregiver skills training.
  • Support for caregiver recruitment, retention, training and compensation issues for the health care workforce through training, certification, and career advancement opportunities.

Some of the issues the alliance advocates for are:

    - Education and Training
    - Recruitment and Retention
    - Family Caregiving
    - Care Innovation
    - Health Care
    - Community Based Services

Aging Related Programs
Elderly Caregiver
Caregiver Education & Training Programs




Find out more about the Eldercare Workforce Alliance

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