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WHAT Caregiving radio program giving caregivers assistance by providing information and interviews with experts in eldercare on a variety of caregiving topics.
WHYTo provide older adults and caregivers with specific information and support catered to caregiving needs and concerns.
WHERECoping With Caregiving Radio Program.
WS Radio-Internet Talk Radio. Hosted by: Jacqueline Marcell - Author of "Elder Rage."

Program Description

The Coping With Caregiving Program may be helpful to those who find themselves in the new position of parenting parents, and others who are caregiving. Experts are interviewed on Caregiver Radio on a variety of topics. Radio discussions cover caregiving topics such as:

-Caregiving for Alzheimer's and other Dementia
-Long Term Care Insurance
-Family Caregiving and Relationships
-Caring for Aging Parents
-Relocation for Seniors
-Elder Care Burnout and Stress
-Elder Abuse

A sample episode of the Caregiver Radio Show includes:

Life & Disability Insurance, Alzheimer's 911: Help, Hope and Healing for Caregivers, Love, Laughter & Mayhem: Caregiver Survival Manual for Living with a Person with Dementia, The Sky is Green and The Grass is Blue: Turning Your Upside Down World Right Side Up!

Jacqueline Marcell, the host of Coping with Caregiving Radio"Program is also the author of Elder Rage. Both of her parents suffered with Alzheimer's and remained undiagnosed for over a year. After fighting through the medical system and depleting life savings she has figured everything out medically, behaviorally, socially, legally, financially and emotionally and has shared it in her book, 'Elder Rage.',

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- A one-hour weekly interview program addressing the interests and concerns of Americans 40+ along discussion entertainment, books, and movies.

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- A mini one minute radio program providing listeners with tips, tools and resources on topics such as senior health, housing, finances, Medicare, Social Security, money saving programs and other issues that effect older adults.

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- Radio program that focuses on topics relating to seniors and aging well.

Lifestyle Solutions Radio - Radio program that provides information on senior health, senior nutrition, retirement, pensions, Social Security, VA benefits, and community programs for aging Americans Available free online.

*The Coping With Caregiving Radio Program No Longer Exists*

Senior Programs
-More Elderly Caregiver Support and Assistance Programs
-Elderly Caregiver Education and Training Programs
-Grandparents as Parents Programs
-Caregiver Films and Documentaries

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