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WHATProvides free or low cost caregiving assistance, respite and services to those caring for older adults.
WHYTo provide caregiver service assistance to older adults so that they can remain comfortably and safely in their own homes.
WHERECommunity Care for the Elderly.
Department of Elder Affairs. Florida Area Agencies on Aging.
State of Florida.
Florida, USA.

Program Description

“Individuals must be age 60 or older and functionally impaired, as determined by an initial comprehensive assessment and annual reassessments.”

Caregiver assistance and services for elderly may include:

  • Adult day care
  • Companionship
  • Medical supplies
  • Counseling or Legal assistance
  • Emergency alert response
  • Emergency home repair
  • Home-delivered meals
  • Home health aide
  • Personal care
  • Caregiver respite
  • Shopping assistance
  • Transportation
The Department of Elder Affairs Florida also offers caregivers free respite through the Elders Living in Everyday Families Program. Volunteers relieve caregivers who are provided a break from caring for a loved one. Caregivers may use the break as an opportunity to take care of errands or rest. Volunteers are screened and matched based on elder and caregiver personalities and interests.

Aging Programs
Elderly Caregiver
Elderly Caregiver Support Programs

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