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WHATVolunteer caregivers put in hours caregiving for someone in the community and receive caregiver hours back for themselves when they need it for their own caregiving. They can also gift those caregiving hours to a friend or loved one in need. The reward volunteers receive is that they have their time banked for future use.
WHY An innovative way to provide a caregiving exchange for the increasing aging population.
WHERECaregiver Rewards Program. Georgetown, KY, USA.

Program Description

*This is a proposed program*

Caregiver rewards may be used by volunteers in the following ways: 

  • As earned caregiver hours for themselves if they become disabled in the future
  • As earned caregiver hours to give to a disabled relative or friend
  • As earned caregiver time hours to put in a will to children or others.

    Once the program becomes a state-wide or nation-wide program, hours of care-giving time could be used for long distance caregiving.

     The Caregivers Rewards Program will serve a wide range of individuals including the elderly, veterans, children with special needs, etc regardless of age, sex, race, former occupation, religion, ethnicity, class or other social category, disabled persons living alone or those living with their relatives and those mentally disabled as well as physically disabled.

    Examples of caregiving duties may include:

    1. Delivery of groceries, medicines, etc.
    2. Transportation for a doctor’s appointment or other needed purpose. Using vehicles with or without wheelchair access depending on the client.
    3. Housekeeping (cleaning, putting things in place)
    4. Washing:
      1. dishes,
      2. clothes,
      3. other
    5. Reading letters, books, etc. (for sight impaired).
    6. Baby sitting or small child care for a disabled parent.
    7. Supervision of an adult who cannot be left alone safely.
    8. Plant and/or pet care.
    9. Yard care (such as lawn mowing, tree trimming, etc.)
    10. Minor home repairs (not requiring high skill).
    11. Phone calls to check on client welfare or needs.
    12. Advice or aid involving the use of a computer.

Specialized professionally certified assistance for:

  1. Plumbing problems, Carpentry problems, Electrical problems, Legal problems or advice, Pharmacists advice on prescription drugs or over the counter drugs, Financial management of bills, checkbook, tax advice, Pastoral counseling on a denomination of your choice.
  2. Other possible services.


Find out more about the Caregiver Rewards Program

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