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Caregiver training for individuals, agencies, and professionals who work as caregivers so that they can receive the necessary support and the tools to better manage the challenges of caregiving.

WHYCaregiver training can help elderly caregivers find strength, deal with the emotions of guilt and resentment, deal with family, friends and health professionals, manage stress and depression, and find quality time for themselves.
WHERECaregivers Alberta.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Program Description

"Caregivers Alberta provides resources, support and education to help people caregiving for family members or friends. Our services are wide-ranging because so are the needs of caregivers from our caregiver support line, to one-on-one coaching and peer support groups to our award-winning Caregiver education program, COMPASS. We serve caregivers and healthcare professionals all across Alberta."

"…they are tired, they are frustrated by the end of the course they are so different I have had facilitators say I need to take before and after pictures, they’ve got a spark, they’ve got a little bit of skip in their step and their perspective has changed.”
-Video: ‘Alberta Caregivers Association - Compass for the Caregiver.’

COMPASS for Caregivers Training is available to agencies, professionals and individuals who work as caregivers.

The praogram can help caregivers deal with difficult emotions of guilt and resentment and provide support for dealing with family, friends and health professionals.

The program encourages elderly caregivers to recognize that in order to care for a loved one, they must first care for themselves.

Training topics cover aspect of caregiving such as:

-Being a Caregiver - understanding the caregiver role and the effects on physical and mental health.
-Managing stress and depression - how to prevent burnout.
-Balancing Relationships - finding time to take care of yourself.
-Navigating the system - accessing caregiver services and communicating with health care professionals.

Caregivers Alberta also provides workplace training through the Work & Care Program for companies, businesses, supervisors, HR professionals, and employee wellness programs to learn how to help support employees who are caregivers for loved ones.




Find out more about the COMPASS for Caregivers Training

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