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WHATOnline classes and videos for in-home caregivers taught by doctors, nurses and other professionals.
WHYTo prepare private in-home caregivers to provide care for older adults and others. To address the healthcare shortage by providing easy, affordable alternatives to help train and retain healthcare workers.
Helen Adeosun, Madhuri Reddy.

Program Description

“CareAcademy video is growing into the go-to resource for caregivers to learn online. Our classes are a fraction of your current training costs.”

“Care Academy is a company I founded on the premise of upskilling the future of healthcare direct care workers. We believe that the healthcare future lies directly in home and community.”

-Helen Adeosun - Founder Care Academy.

“we… have the privilege of upskilling 300,0000 workers in the US and Canada, over 1600 work with Care Academey on our mission to upskill the future of healthcare."

CareAcademy provides affordable caregiver training through online modules and videos. Classes are interactive allowing participants to connect and learn with other caregivers.

Caregiver Training focuses on the following areas:

  • Quality of Life.
  • Health and Safety.
  • Personal Care.
  • Household Management.
  • Professionalism.
  • Communication and Engagement.
  • Self Care.

-Caregiver training modules examples include:

-What does it Mean to be a Professional Caregiver
-Communication Skills
-Older Adult’s Rights
-Assisting with Activities of Daily Living Personal Care
-Maintaining a Clean, Safe & Healthy Environment Infection Control
-Use of Adaptive Equipment
-Confidentiality and HIPAA
-Elder Abuse & Neglect
-Emergency Procedures
-Alzheimer's and Dementia Signs and Treatment
-Preventing Falls for Caregivers
-Dementia: Introduction into Dementia
-Dementia: Management and Stages
-Dementia: behavioral problems, an introduction
-Communications: Handling Difficult Situations
-Professionalism: Understanding Sexual Harassment and Misconduct
-Common Chronic Diseases
-Daily Care: Continence (Bedpans and Skin Care)The Aging Process and the Body
-Daily Care: Applying Special Clothing and Elastic Stockings
-Dementia: Behavioral problems - agitation, aggression & inappropriate sexual behavior
-Nutrition, Food prep & meals: for older adults
-Communications: Cultural Competency and Soft Skills
-Self-care/Avoiding caregiver stress
-Caring for the older adult with diabetes
-Housekeeping: 101
-Professionalism: Time Management for Professional Success
-Communications: Helping Clients with Mental Illness
-Professionalism: Working in a Team and Building Trust

CareAcademy can helps home care owners to:

-Turn new hires into amazing caregivers.
-Reduce on-boarding time & hiring costs.
-Deliver client-specific training resources.
-Keep caregivers longer and reduce turnover.
-Meet state-specific training requirements.

CareAcademy has received funding led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management.

Aging Related Programs
Elderly Caregiver
Caregiver Education & Training Programs




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