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WHAT Information, videos, sample questions and conversations to help caregivers have conversations with elderly regarding long-term care needs, options and end of life planning.
WHYTo provide realistic insight regarding the eldercare planning process and how to have the conversation with aging loved ones.
WHEREThe American Health Care Association. (AHCA)
National Center for Assisted Living. (NCAL)
America's Skilled Nursing Caregivers.
Program available Online

Program Description

The goals of the Care Conversations Program are to:

  • Inspire families to have the conversation with aging parents or an elderly loved one about their care plan
  • Help and guide families to get the correct information they need to have conversations about the care they want
  • Empower families to form their own opinions and select the plan of care that is right for them

The Care Conversations Program resources provided can help make more informed, confident decisions, and provide greater peace of mind to those who feel as though they are in the new position of parenting parents.

Some of the conversation resources include:

-How to identify current needs of an elderly loved one, early signs checklist
-How to decide about eldercare providers - how to choose from Adult Care, Skilled Nursing Care Facilities or Assisted Living
-How and what questions to ask of eldercare providers and elderly nursing care facilities  
-Discussing care costs, finances and what you can expect to pay for elder care, long-term care insurance and Medicare and Medicaid
-Talking with an elderly loved one about the decision to moving to assisted living or skilled nursing care and helping in the transition to move

The Care Conversations Program provides useful tips and sample questions on how to have the conversation with aging parents or an elderly loved one:

Address the Who, Where, and When - it’s worth trying to involve everyone, try to find a place and time when people are likely to be relaxed and receptive.

Be flexible - a Care Conversation with an elderly love one should not be forced or rushed. Allow discussions to evolve naturally, be flexible about how long the discussion lasts and what, if anything, is accomplished.

Take the right approach -everyone’s situation is different, there is no one-size-fits-all right approach. Consider your elderly loved one’s unique preferences and tailor plan. Start with small talk, look for natural conversation starters

Ask specific questions - Be specific in your questions to fully understand the situation and level of need such as: Do you feel comfortable driving to the bank? What about driving at night? How often do you go to the grocery store? Is it hard to bring in groceries?

Remember, it's not about you -The goal is to gather information, listen and observe. If Elder care conversations don't go as well as you had hoped, don't take it personally.

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