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WHATThe Toshiba Slimee Activity Tracker is an activity tracker that can monitor senior activity and vitals remotely using Bluetooth.
WHYTo provide older adults with safety and security and a constant connection to others while living alone.
Oita University.

Program Description

“The wristbands will be used in a three-year research project on dementia that Toshiba is undertaking in conjunction with Oita University. Involving about 1,000 subjects, the research will examine possible links between daily activities, as measured by the wristbands, and cognitive decline.”

"The band includes a skin temperature sensor, pulse monitor, ultraviolet light sensor, accelerometer and an emergency button in case of accidents or general distress."

The Toshiba Slimee Activity Tracker is an activity tracker that can monitor senior activity and vitals remotely using Bluetooth.

Sensors on activity trackers bands can monitor vitals through:

  • Skin temperature sensor
  • Pulse rate monitor
  • Utraviolet light sensor
  • Location monitor
  • Conversation monitor
  • Sleep monitor
  • Eating monitor
  • Accelerometer

The Toshiba activity tracker wrist band also houses an emergency button and GPS location tracking to notify caregivers of an elderly person’s location.|,

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