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WHATVolunteers are trained to provide information and referral services to seniors and their families in different languages and cultures.
WHYTo provide all seniors with information and resources in their community but particularity immigrant seniors who may feel more comfortable obtaining information with someone who speaks their own language and/or understands their own culture.
WHERESan Jose State University. Stanford Geriatric Education Center.
City of Fremont Human Services Department.
Tri-City area Fremont, Newark, Union City, CA, USA.

Program Description

The following information and referral service is provided for Chinese, Taiwanese, Sikh, Hindu and Muslim seniors along with other seniors:

-Health care and benefits such as Medicare, Medi-CAL, and Cash Assistance Program.
-Social Security .
-Financial Aid.
-Legal Aid.
-Immigration and how to become a citizen.
-Social Needs .

Partners of the Community Ambassador for Seniors program advocate for diverse seniors at local hospitals, clinics and community organizations and encourage them to become more aware of the diverse senior population and multicultural aging related issues.

The organization has published a resource guide 'An Immigrants How To Guide for Seniors,' and is available on their website.

The program provides seniors with information in a way they can understand, improves self-confidence and provides a sense of inclusion in their communities.

Some of the programs partners include:

-Centerville Presbyterian Church
-Fremont Senior Center Volunteers
-India Community Center
-Muslim Support Network
-Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
-Sikhs Engaged in Volunteer Activities
-St. Anne Catholic Parish
-Taiwanese Community Help Association
-Tropics Mobile Park Community
-Veteran Groups

Find out more about the Community Ambassador Program for Seniors Program

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