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WHATInformation and outreach materials to increase awareness of elder abuse.
WHYTo help prevent elder abuse by providing communities the correct resources and tools.
WHERE National Center on Elder Abuse.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Administration for Community Living.
Across the USA.

Program Description

“We recognize that it is up to all of us, as a community to ensure the right social structures are in place so people can remain connected to their communities and to society as a whole, reducing the likelihood of abuse. Through evidence based policies, initiatives, education and civic engagement, we can create a sturdy social structure that can support us as we grow older.”

The National Center on Elder Abuse provides free elder abuse prevention brochures, posters, flyers, fact sheets, activity ideas and social media graphics material to educate communities about what everyone can do to help prevent elder abuse. 

The aim of the program is to educate and empower communities to create support, and notice, report, and prevent elder abuse.

Organizations can customize elder abuse education and outreach resources with their name and contact information including:

  • 5 Things Everyone Can Do to Prevent Elder Abuse.
  • Building Community Supports to Prevent Elder Abuse.
  • Elder Abuse is Everyone's Business.
  • Facts About Elder Abuse.
  • Identifying, Preventing, and Reporting Elder Abuse.
  • Signs of Elder Abuse.
  • Outreach Calendar and Activity Ideas.
  • Social Media Guide – social media graphics for elder abuse prevention.
  • Elder Abuse Presentation Slides.

The National Center on Elder Abuse has additional elder abuse prevention training material available on their website including elder abuse educational videos, webinars, curriculum, and presentations to help professionals and communities to identify and prevent elder abuse, neglect and financial exploitation.

Aging Programs
Elder Abuse Prevention Programs
Elder Abuse Prevention Training Programs

Find out more about Supports and Tools for Elder Abuse Prevention

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