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WHATElder abuse prevention workshops, resources, information and training.
WHYTo inform and train older adults, members of the community and elder abuse leaders on elder abuse prevention.
WHEREIt’s Not Right.
The Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children.
University of Western Ontario. Ontario, Canada.

Program Description

“Abuse of older adults often occurs within the family, by adult children or grandchildren. However, other relatives, friends, neighbors, paid or unpaid caregivers, landlords, financial advisors or any individual in a position of power, trust or authority can also be abusive. When a spouse is abusive, it is called domestic violence.”

“There are reasons why you may feel trapped in an abusive relationship. You are not alone. Older adults who experience abuse often feel conflicted about seeking help or telling others about what is happening.”

It’s Not Right is a cross Canada approach to addressing the abuse and neglect of older adults.

All provinces and territories have participants who have been trained
in elder abuse prevention presentations and workshops.

Elder abuse prevention workshops are aimed at teaching neighbors, friends and family members of seniors experiencing abuse to recognize the warning signs and to take steps to help them stay safe.

It’s Not Right has held a national training for elder abuse leaders and experts to implement workshops in their in their own communities. A trainer’s manual is also available.

The site has valuable resources, brochures and information to help prevent elder abuse including:
What Can You Do When Abuse or Neglect Happens and Help Older Adults at Risk:

SEE it! - recognize the warning signs of abuse.
NAME it! – ‘that looks/sounds like abuse’ - talk to the older adult or someone you trust about your concerns overcome your hesitation to help.
CHECK it! -‘is it abuse? what can i do to help?’ - ask questions, check with an expert on abuse about what to do next, check for danger suggest safety planning.

How You Can Identify Elder Abuse and Help Older Adults at Risk – types of abuse including financial abuse, psychological abuse, spiritual or religious abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect. Warning signs of abuse such as bruises, scratches, broken bones, changes in behavior, depression, isolation, withdrawal, missing social events, changes in financial situation, neglect such as hunger, or improper hygiene.

What Can You Do to Keep Yourself Safe from Abuse – steps to take if an older adult is being threatened or hurt include telling someone they trust, make a safety plan detailing where they can go to be safe and how they will get there, contact a lawyer, call 911.

Aging Programs
Elder Abuse Prevention Programs
Elder Abuse Prevention Training Programs
Elder Abuse Documentaries

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