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WHATA resource for the judiciary and courts on aging related issues.
WHYTo provide information, research, education, consulting resources and tools for courts to better deal with aging related issues which may include elder abuse and adult guardianships.
WHEREThe Center for Elders and the Courts National Center for State Courts.
Williamsburg, Virginia, USA.

Program Description

“Physical access to courthouses and the justice process are real concerns for older persons.”

“Courts can help ensure full access and participation by older persons with a physical or mental limitation by making accommodations to the courtroom setting, the handling of court hearings, and case and calendar management. The American Bar Association recommend that courts ‘provide accommodations for persons with physical and mental deficiencies and, if necessary, hold hearings in cases involving elder abuse in the setting that best accommodates the needs of the abused older person.’ "

The Center for Elders and the Courts is a community of judges, court staff, and aging experts working to better equip the courts to deal with aging related issues such as:

  • Elder abuse - types of elder abuse, court jurisdictions that may hear elder abuse issues, elder abuse laws, and an Elder Abuse Toolkit for Prosecutors and Courts with information on evidence collection, consultants, working with older victims of abuse and hearing cases of elder abuse.
  • Guardianships and Conservatorship– how to establish a guardianship or conservatorship, qualifications, monitoring and red flags.
  • Capacity – involves areas of functioning, such as physical, mental, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral.
  • Consent - requires individuals to be able to understand the transaction or activity, make judgments about it, and decide if it is something they want to do.
  • Undue Influence - misuse of one's role and power to exploit the trust, dependence, and fear of another to deceptively gain control over that person's decision in a particular matter.

The center’s Conservatorship Accountability Project aims to improve the way conservatorships are managed in the areas of accounting, tracking and safeguards to protect vulnerable adults from financial abuse and exploitation.

The center also promotes elder friendly courtrooms which have greater access for older adults with mobility, hearing, or sight impairments.

Aging Programs
Elder Abuse Prevention Programs
Elder Abuse Prevention Training Programs



The Center for Elders and the Courts (CEC) from State Courts on Vimeo.


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