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WHATOrganization providing elder abuse training, education, information and research reports along with a senior safety line for older adults who need help.
WHYTo prevent elder abuse and to improve the quality of life and well-being of older adults and their families.
WHEREElder Abuse Prevention Ontario.
Ontario, Canada.

Program Description

“Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario collaborates to promote public awareness, deliver education programs and activities, develop resources and enhance awareness of local supports, services and available programs that help older adults who are at-risk or experiencing abuse within their communities.”

“Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario provides a variety of training and education opportunities, including education presentations to older adults, training for service provider agencies and provincial webinars.”

Elder abuse can include physical abuse, psychological abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse and take other forms.

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario works with government and community partners to help fight elder abuse with the goals of:

  • Increasing public education and awareness of elder abuse.
  • Coordinating community services around elder abuse. 
  • Training front-line staff with respect to elder abuse.

The organization works to address barriers which older adults may face when seeking help such as language, cultural, or accessibility issues.

Fact sheets, training videos, webinars, PSA’s and reports are available on the following topics:

  • Violence Against Older Women
  • Financial Abuse
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Physical Abuse
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Ageism and Elder Abuse
  • Dementia and Elder Abuse
  • Disabilities and Elder Abuse
  • Ethno-Cultural Communities and Elder Abuse
  • Indigenous Communities and Elder Abuse
  • Dating as an Older Adult
  • Increasing Self-Esteem
  • Protecting your Finances
  • Age and Discrimination
  • Communication in Healthy Relationships
  • Caregiving

The Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario senior safety line phone number for older adults who need help from abusive situations is 1-866-299-1011.

Aging Programs
Elder Abuse Prevention Programs
Elder Abuse Prevention Training Programs




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