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WHATVolunteers and therapy pets provide therapeutic visits to elderly and others in hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, care homes, and other facilities.
WHYTo provide elderly and others with pet therapy, rehabilitation, additional activity, a sense of security, connection and hope.
WHEREPets As Therapy.
United Kingdom.

Program Description

"Today there are currently over 4,500 active 'Pets As Therapy' visiting dogs and 108 'Pets As Therapy' cats at work in the UK. Every week these calm friendly 'Pets As Therapy' dogs and cats give more than 130,000 people, both young and old, the pleasure and chance to cuddle and talk to them. The bedsides that are visited each year number a staggering 6.75million."

"Sick patients often feel isolated and even the most withdrawn seem to open up and let the barriers down when their regular Pets As Therapy visiting dog is around. These dogs bring everyday life closer and with it all the happy associations for them of home comforts. The constant companionship of an undemanding animal, that gives unconditional love, is often one of the most missed aspects of their lives. 'Pets As Therapy' was formed to help make this loss more bearable and speed recovery."

In addition to providing pet visits to nursing care homes and other facilities the “Pets As Therapy” Program provides Animal Assisted Therapy that helps elderly and others complete specific goals in occupational therapy, stroke rehabilitation and other disabilities.

Having dogs or other pets in nursing homes brings along the concern of safety for elderly, staff and visitors.

“Pets As Therapy” is very selective in choosing suitable dog
to provide animal assisted activities or animal assisted therapy. All dogs and cats are required to pass an assessment to check their temperament by “Pets As Therapy” accredited assessors or qualified vets. Pets must be fully vaccinated, wormed and protected against fleas. Each Therapy dog has an identifying tag on its collar and many of them wear a distinctive yellow coat. The owner has a photo ID badge which is worn for security at all times when visiting.

Each pet owner volunteer is trained on:

-Guidelines on conducting a Pets As Therapy visit
-Confidentiality and Ethical Issues
-Safety in a nursing or other facility
-Approaching and communicating with a person who is confused, the visually impaired person, the hearing impaired or wheelchair users, or someone who has had a stroke
-The safety and welfare of Therapy Dogs

The “Pets As Therapy” Program is the largest charity of its kind in Europe.





Pet Partners Therapy Animal Program - Program widely available across the United States, Canada, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, and several other countries.
Trains pet owners and pets on how to visit nursing homes, hospice, hospitals, physical therapy centers, long-term care facilities and other facilities to provide animal assisted activities.

Therapy Dogs International Nursing Home Program - Across the USA and areas in Canada. Provides free visits of dogs to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospitals, hospices and other facilities to provide animal assisted therapy, an interactive nursing home activity and to give companionship to elderly.

People Animals Love Program - Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia. USA.
Certified pet handler volunteers take their pets to visit elderly in nursing homes.

FriendshipWorks PetPals Program - Boston Massachusetts, USA. Arranges for pets (cats and dogs) and their owners to make friendly visits providing animal assisted therapy to elderly in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities.

ASPCA - Animal Assisted Therapy Program - New York, USA. Pet owners can register their dogs and cats for animal assisted therapy and visit elderly in nursing homes, hospitals, classrooms, libraries and other facilities.

New Orleans Visiting Pet Program - New Orleans, USA. Animal assisted activity program where volunteer pet handlers and their pets visit nursing homes, hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and other facilities.

Intermountain Therapy Animals Program - Utah, USA. Animal Assisted Activity/Therapy teams visit seniors in Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Centers, Alzheimer's Care Units, Hospitals, Veterans Hospitals, Hospices, Rehabilitation Centers and many other facilities.

Terminally Ill & Their Pets
Pets and Seniors Companionship
Service Dogs for Elderly

Find out more about the “Pets As Therapy” Program

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