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WHATThrough the Hen Power Project the elderly raise and keep hens tending to everything from designing hen houses, to caring for hens, educating school children.
WHYThe Hen Power Project encourages the elderly to be creative and reduces isolation and promotes socialization.
WHEREThe Hen Power Project.
Equal Arts.
Funding from the Big Lottery Fund.
United Kingdom.

Program Description

"As well as looking after hens, hatching eggs and rearing chicks the 'Hensioners' involve themselves in a range of creative activities from designing their own hen houses, to recording oral histories and designing a range of cards, calendars tea towels, and other merchandise by working with sculptors, visual and new media artists.

"Project leader Jos Forester-Melville told Your Chickens: 'It's an innovative, exciting project. We've teamed up with eight supported living schemes and are encouraging older people to engage in activities which will bring about long-term benefits and boost motivation.' "


The HenPower Project encourages the elderly to become involved in the day-to-day raising, care, feeding, eggs, etc. of hens.

The elderly who are a part of the Hen Power Project are also known as 'hensioners.'

The Hen Power Project aims to:

  • Prevents loneliness, isolation and promotes elderly health and well-being.
  • Provides seniors with socialization by meeting others while care taking their hens.
  • Encourage seniors to be creative by designing coops and purchasing hen breeds.
  • Create intergenerational exchanges by visiting schools and school children.
  • Help lift the spirits of other seniors by visiting care homes with their hens.
  • Encourage elderly to keep active and maintain fitness levels.

Senior Activities
Senior Theater and Senior Arts



The Hen Men - Trailer June 2013 from meerkatfilms on Vimeo.


Find Out More about the 'Hen Power Project'

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