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WHATPet Outreach team volunteers arrange for animal assisted pet therapy visits to nursing homes and senior care facilities.
WHYTo provide older adults living in nursing facilities with increased health and well-being benefits of pet assisted therapy.
WHERENorth Shore Animal League America.
New York, USA.

Program Description

“Each week our Pet Outreach volunteers and associates bring puppies and certified therapy cats to nursing homes, senior citizen centers, and rehabilitation centers. These types of animal-assisted activities have been widely recognized to have therapeutic effects, reducing stress and calming anxiety.”

The Pet Outreach Program gives older adults living in nursing care facilities the experience and benefits of caring for a pet short-term at a time in their life when they are not able to fully care for a pet themselves.

Animal-assisted therapy visits in nursing care facilities can improve mood, reduces loneliness, help with rehabilitation and give older adults a social and emotional connection to look forward to.

The North Shore Animal League America is committed to saving and rehabilitating homeless animals and educating the public on rescue animals.

Aging Programs
Elderly Nursing
Nursing Home Activities
Animal Assisted Therapy and Activities
Pets and Seniors Companionship
Service Dogs for Elderly
Terminally Ill & Their Pets

Find out more about the Pet Outreach Animal Assisted Therapy Program

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