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WHATThe National Gerontological Nursing Association (NGNA) is dedicated to the clinical care of older adults with members ranging from clinicians, educators, and researchers and certified gerontological clinical nurse specialists.
WHYTo improve nursing care for older adults.
WHEREThe National Gerontological Nursing Association.
Across the USA.

Program Description

"The Older Adult Population has unique biopsychosocial and spiritual needs related to the process of aging and its developmental stage. Older adults are quite diverse because of a life experiences, values, and personal goals. While 65 years of age and older is often the chronological age used to describe this population, the critical element that differentiates this population from others is the needs related to aging processes and developmental stage."

"Gerontological nursing is the application of a body of knowledge and skills to provide nursing care that meets the unique biopsychosocial and spiritual needs of the diverse older adult population."

Members of the National Gerontological Nursing Association may include the following health care professionals:

  • Staff Nurse Clinical
  • Director of Nursing
  • Nurse Manager
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Clinical Educator
  • Academic Educator
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Consultant
  • Case Manager
  • Researcher

The National Gerontological Nursing Association holds an Annual Convention to provide a venue for education and networking with others who have a passion for the care older adults.

Online webinars are available for Gerontological Nursing members and provide continuing nursing accreditation. Topics include:

  • End of Life Conversations with Older Adults
  • Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action: How the Institute of Medicine Report on the Future of Nursing Impacts the Care of Older Adults
  • The Advancing Excellence Campaign: How the Campaign Tools and Resources will help Nursing Homes with Quality Assurance/Performance Improvement

The National Gerontological Nursing Association also marks the National Gerontological Nursing Week to raise awareness of elderly nursing care, the growing need for gerontological nurses and the need for increased training and educational opportunities to equip all nurses to meet the psychological, medical and social needs of older adults.

The organization also publishes the Geriatric Nursing Journal a source for clinical information and management advice relating to the care of older adults for nurses and nurse managers who work in hospitals, long-term care facilities, senior centers, or in home care.

Improving Nursing Care for Elderly
Elder Abuse Prevention

Find out more about the National Gerontological Nursing Association

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