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WHATHands out awards for excellence to those working directly or indirectly in the care sector.
WHYTo pay tribute to those individuals who have demonstrated outstanding excellence to seniors and others who receive social care.
WHERE Great British Care Awards. Throughout England.

Program Description

"Celebrating excellence in social care."

There are nineteen awards categories available for the “Great British Care Awards” ranging from senior services, specialist services, residential and home care. Nominations for frontline care home staff such as care workers and care managers can be made along with people who have contributed to the care sector through other means such as volunteers or those involved in social care training and innovation.  

Benefits for a care homes or care organization in nominating employees include:

-Demonstrating pride in their care home or care facility
-Increasing care staff morale
-A positive reputation as a quality care provider

Categories for the Great British Care Awards include:

-Ancillary Worker Award
-Putting People First/Personalization Award
-Care Employer Award
-Care Home Activity Organizer Award
-Care Home Nutrition & Hydration Award
-Care Home Registered Manager Award
-Care Home Worker Award
-Care Innovator Award
-Care Newcomer Award
-Care Team Award
-Care Trainer Award
-Carer’s Award
-Dementia Carer Award
-Dignity in Care Award
-Frontline Leaders Award
-Home Care Coordinator Award
-Home Care Registered Manager Award
-Home Care Worker Award
-Outstanding Contribution to Social Care Award

The “Great British Care Awards” receive support from the Department of Health, the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, Ceretas, the English Community Care Association, the Social Care Institute for Excellence, and the National Skills Academy and Skills for Care.source:

Find out more about the “Great British Care Awards” Program

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